Fall 2005-2009            Doctor of Philosophy, Sociology, University of Connecticut, Storrs

Aug. 2003-2005          Masters of Arts, Sociology, University of Connecticut, Storrs

May 2003                        Bachelor of Arts, Sociology, Cum Laude, City University of New York, Hunter College


Fall 2013-Present        Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA Department of Sociology

 Fall 2009- 2013           Assistant Professor, Tulane University, New Orleans, Department of Sociology and Stone Center for Latin American Studies


Gender, Sexuality, Latina/o Studies, Race/Ethnicity, Family, Immigration


Publications in bold link to their respective abstracts.

Book Manuscript:

Acosta, Katie L. Stepping into Queer Parenting: LBQ Parents Raising Children post Relationship Dissolution. under contract with New York University Press.

Acosta, Katie L. 2013. Amigas y Amantes: How Sexually Nonconforming Latinas Negotiate Family. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick. “2014 Outstanding Choice Title”

Peer-Reviewed Published Articles:

Acosta Katie L. 2018. Queering Family Scholarship: Theorizing from the Borderlands. Journal of Family Theory and Review. 10. 406-418.

DOI: 10.1111/jftr.12263. Impact Factor = 1.568

Acosta, Katie L. 2017. In the Event of Death: Lesbian Families’ Plans to Preserve Stepparent-Child Relationships. Family Relations. 

DOI: 10.1111/fare.12243. Impact Factor = 1.426

Acosta, Katie L. 2016. Cultivating a Lesbiana Seria Identity. Sexualities. Online First.

DOI: 10.1177/1363460715613287. Impact Factor = 0.460

Kail, Ben Lennox, Katie L. Acosta, and Eric R. Wright. 2015. State Level Marriage Equality and the Health of Same Sex Couples. American Journal of Public Health 105(6): 1101-1105.

DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302589. Impact Factor = 4.552

Acosta, Katie L. 2011. The Language of (In)Visibility: Using In-Between Spaces as a Vehicle for Empowerment in the Family. Journal of Homosexuality 58 (6-7):883-900.

DOI: 10.1177/0094306112468721h. Impact Factor = 1.364

Acosta, Katie L. 2010. “How Could You Do This To Me?” How Lesbian, Bisexual and Queer Latinas Negotiate Sexual Disclosure with their Families. Black Women Gender & Families 4(1): 63-85. (journal is currently entitled Women, Gender and Families of Color)

DOI: 10.5406/blacwomengendfami.4.1.0063. Impact Factor = n.a.

  • Reprinted in Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader, edited by Mindy Stombler, Dawn Baunach Wendy Simmonds, Elroi Windsor and Elisabeth Burgess. Fourth Edition W.W. Norton & Company 2014.

Asencio, Marysol and Katie L. Acosta. 2009. Migration, Gender Conformity, and Social Mobility among Puerto Rican Sexual Minorities. Sexuality Research and Social Policy  6(3): 34-43.

DOI:  10.1525/srsp.2009.6.3.34. Impact Factor =0.871

Acosta, Katie L. 2008. Lesbianas in the Borderlands: Shifting Identities and Imagined Communities. Gender & Society 22(5): 639-659.

DOI: 10.1177/0891243208321169. Impact Factor: 1.956

Published Book Chapters:

Acosta, Katie L. and Veronica Salcedo. 2018. Gender (Non) Conformity in the Family. In Handbook of the Sociology of Gender. edited by Barbara Risman, Carissa Froyum and William Scarborough. Springer Press

Asencio, Marysol and Katie L. Acosta. 2016.  Una Cartografía De Las Sexualidades Latinas En Estados Unidos (Introducción), En Sexualidades Latinas en Estados Unidos, Marysol Asencio, editora,  London, England: Frontpage Publications Limited.

Acosta, Katie L. 2011. Sexual Citizenship: Marriage, Adoption and Immigration in the United States in Human Rights in Our Own Backyard: Injustice and Resistance in the United States. edited by Bandana Purkayastha, Davita Glasberg, and William Armaline, Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania Press.

Asencio, Marysol and Katie L. Acosta. 2009. Introduction: Mapping Latina/o Sexualities Research and Scholarship. In Latina/o Sexualities: Probing Powers, Practices, Passions and Policies. edited by Marysol Asencio, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press.

Acosta, Katie L. 2007. “This Would All Be Solved if Only We Could Get Married”: Queer Marriages and Immigration Policy. Pp. 21-40 in Sexual Politics of Desire and Belonging, edited by Alejandro Cervantes-Carson and Nick Rumens. Amsterdam, Rodopi Press.

Book Reviews:

Acosta, Katie L. 2013. “Tacit Subjects: Belonging and Desire among Dominican

Immigrant Men, by Carlos Ulises Decena.” Contemporary Sociology 42 (1): 75-76.

Other Publications:

Acosta, Katie L. 2016. Pulse: A Space for Resilience, a Home for the Brave. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking 3(3): 107-110. (invited submission)

Acosta, Katie L. 2016. Latina/o Sexualities. The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies. Online First(invited submission)

Acosta, Katie L. 2016. “Feminisms, Latina”. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies (invited submission)

Acosta, Katie L. 2014. We Are Family. Contexts, winter issue (invited submission).


Acosta Katie L., and Marni A.Brown. Pathways to Intimacies, Parenthood and Families (edited family’s reader) under review

Acosta, Katie L. Journeying Asylum Seekers


2020 -2021                              Sociologists for Women in Society Feminist Lecturer Award


Summer 2019              Equity and Inclusion for Scholars of Color in our Sections, ASA and the Discipline. American Sociological Association, August 2019 New York.

Spring 2018                  It’s in the Blood:Afro-Latinidad and Black Identity in LBQ Families. Invited Speaker. AfroLatinidades Symposium, Northwestern University, Evanston, Il.

Winter 2018                Surviving and Thriving throughout the Academic Life Course: Advice from Feminists and Anti-Racists Scholars. Panelist. Sociologists for Women in Society, January 2018, Atlanta, GA.

Summer 2017             Plural Parenting within Queer and Lesbian Stepparent Families. Roundtable Presentation. American Sociological Association, August 2017, Montreal Canada.

Spring 2017                Stepping into the Courts. Panel Participant. Southern Sociological Society, April 2017, Greenville, SC.

Spring 2016                 In the Event of Death: Lesbian Families’ Plans to Preserve Stepparent-Child Relationships. Panel Participant. Southern Sociological Society, April 2016, Atlanta, GA.

Fall 2015                      “Soy Lesbiana y Mi Pareja es Morena”: How Sexually Nonconforming Latinas Navigate Interracial/Interethnic Relationships. Invited Speaker, Emory University- The James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference, October 2015, Atlanta, Georgia.

Fall 2015                      Lesbian, Bisexual and Queer Latinas Doing Family and Negotiating Acceptance. Invited Panelist, Indiana University-Latino Studies Program, September 2015, Bloomington, Indiana.

Summer 2015             Latina/o Sexualities Research: Emerging Discourses from within the Constraints of the Academy. Invited Panelist, American Sociological Association, August 2015, Chicago, IL.

Summer 2015              Claiming Space, Finding Voice and Challenging Institutional Boundaries in Race, Sexuality and Family Research. Invited Panelist, Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 2015, Chicago, IL.

Summer 2014              “But I Don’t Want Rich, Spoiled Kids”: Racial and Cultural Tensions in Lesbian Stepparent Families. Invited Panelist, Association for Black Sociologists, August 2014, San Francisco, CA.

Spring 2014                New Directions in Latin@ Sexualities Research. Invited Panelist, Rutgers University, April 2014, New Brunswick, NJ

Spring 2014                Stepping into Queer Parenting, Invited Speaker, University of West Georgia, April 2014, Carrollton, GA

Spring 2014                Stepping into Queer Parenting, Panel Participant, Southern Sociological Society, April 2014, Charlotte, NC

Spring 2012                Lesbian, Bisexual and Queer Latinas Gaining Familial Acceptance through Gender Conformity. Panel Participant, Southern Sociological Society, April 2012, New Orleans, LA.

Spring 2011                Lesbian, Bisexual and Queer Latinas Doing Family and Negotiating Acceptance.  Invited Panelist, Council on Contemporary Families, April 2011. Chicago, IL.


  • Qualitative Methods (graduate level)
  • Gender & Society (graduate level)
  • Families and Society
  • Race and Ethnic Relations
  • Sexualities (graduate level)
  • Race, Gender Sexuality
  • Social Problems
  • Gender in Latin America
  • Foundations to Sociology
  • Race in the Americas (graduate level)
  • Race, Class, & Gender
  • Latinos: Sex and Gender
  • Sociology Field Experience, La Romana, Dominican Republic.


Fall 2016-Summer 2018        Sexualities, Race and Emprite: Resistance in an Uncertain Time, Steering Committee Tri-Chair

Spring 2015- Spring 2017      Southern Sociological Society, Executive Committee Member (elected member)

Spring 2013-Spring 2014       Southern Sociological Society, Program Committee Member (invited committee member)

Spring 2012-Spring 2014       Sociologists for Women in Society, Membership Committee (elected member)

Spring 2011                            Member for Newcomb College Institutes’ Keynote Speaker Planning Committee

Summer 2011 and 2012         Summer Transition Program Faculty Mentor

Reviewer for Journal of Family Issues, Social Problems, Journal of Homosexuality, Sociological Inquiry, American Journal of Public Health, American Sociological Review, Social Problems, Sociology Compass, PSC CUNY Research Proposals, Oxford University Press, and W.W. Norton.