This talk was given at the American Sociological Association
meetings in 2019 in New York City
My mother called me one day, during my first semester of graduate
school. She was curious about this
mysterious world of academia that I had committed myself to. She wanted to know
how it was going. “Are there oth...
The other night my 17-year-old son came home from a party. He arrived home ahead of the agreed upon time and came upstairs to speak to my wife and me about his evening. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were leaving the party and going to M’s house?” I asked him. “I gave M. a ride home and decided to go inside...
Charlottesville has brought with it even more divisions on the issue of confederate monuments than we had seen in recent months. Somehow, an act of domestic terrorism carried out by white supremacists has become a debate about preserving confederate monuments. Those opposed to their removal argue that these monuments a...